JESUS Digital Tools—Help Reach People With The Gospel During The Pandemic


Dear Friend in Christ,

You and I serve a wonderful God! He has blessed this ministry for such a time as this.

He has given us creative ways with new digital technologies that are helping to fulfill the Great Commission, to reach everyone, everywhere with the gospel during a worldwide pandemic.

I am thankful for you and for your partnership. As you read these reports of digital ministry, may your spirit be lifted in praise for what the Lord has done. These reports [stories] are yours!

“I spent a whole year of research on social media, learned about Christian values and saw Christ twice in my dreams. How often have I stood by the door of the French church in my town’s square pretending to talk on the phone while listening to the sweet hymns from inside which soothed my soul. I am so happy to talk to you after watching the JESUS film.”

“My heart was beating joyfully when I found your number on the screen as I watched the JESUS film on television. I have lived in confusion and darkness, but the Lord illuminated my life! I have plenty of questions and long to learn more about the Christian faith.

“I have always been in religious schools where we were obliged to memorize our holy book and forbidden from questioning any matter. But thanks to the internet and all the Christian sites that showed me the Way and the Truth, I found my inner peace as I searched about Christ. I have watched the JESUS film twice this year. But this time I was deeply touched and in tears. I am longing to grow in faith and to know Christ even better.”

“I saw the JESUS film on your webpage … I left [my religious beliefs] after discovering contradictions in our holy book and finding out how it despises women and offensively rejects other religions. Before going to bed last night, I said in my heart, ‘Issa [Jesus]! If You truly exist, send me a sign showing that You know what is on my heart.’ In my dream, I saw a cross hanging on a chain placed on a throne-like chair.

“The next morning, I received a message from the authorities confirming the date of my trip back to [my homeland] next Monday. I have been waiting endlessly for this confirmation because the border was closed due to COVID-19, and I was longing to visit and see my mum. Jesus knew what was in my heart, and He gave me what I longed for!”*

* These first three testimonies are from Pray4Morocco. They have been edited for security and clarity.

➤ This next report comes from a partner ministry in Southeast Asia who is showing JESUS via television in multiple languages: “We learned of a man who had limited encounters with Christians his entire life. When he became the victim of a hit-and-run accident, a Christian ‘good Samaritan’ found him on the side of the road, took him to the hospital, paid the bills, and left him in the care of the doctors and nurses. [Sound familiar?] That act left this man to wonder why a Christian would help him, a stranger who followed a religion that is so hostile to Christ.

“Earlier this year, this man and millions of others in our country watched the news, the aftermath of recent church bombings carried out by radicals. He wondered, ‘Why don’t the Christians retaliate? … Why no cursing? Why no revenge? … Instead I see peace, patience, endurance.’

“In a quest for answers, this man approached local Christians who viewed him with considerable suspicion. They feared it was a setup, leading to another church bombing. But praise the Lord, our TV broadcast allowed him, and thousands of others like him, to watch and listen to gospel programs like the JESUS film.

“One of the teams met him and his wife, explaining the gospel. He believed and was baptized in the local river. Our team spent the night in his house and continues to disciple him. He is being equipped to make Christ known to his family, friends, and neighbors.

“We are so thankful for the partnership of Jesus Film Project®, weaving together many ministries for maximum impact as the Holy Spirit uses each opportunity to point people to Christ even as the Father draws them to Himself.”

Television and radio broadcasts, video on demand, live streaming through the Jesus Film Project app and partner web sites, DVDs, microSD cards, NewLifeBox™ kits (Wi-Fi hotspots), and video tablets are all penetrating the hard-to-reach places, bringing the good news of salvation to people who have never heard. As the Scriptures declare: “The people who walk in darkness will see a great light; those who live in a dark land, the light will shine on them” (Isaiah 9:2, NASB).

It’s then that film teams and partners are using these very same tools to make disciples.

They equip many new believers with their own copies of JESUS, the Word of God, through audio Bibles and memory devices, and by showing them follow-up series like Walking With Jesus, Following JESUS and Rivka. Teams witness the power of His Word manifested in these new believers … training them, equipping them, “making disciples in all nations.”

More than 1,800 partner ministries are using many of these tools. A great number of these partners are based in developing or poorer nations. Their own missionaries live and work on modest salaries. They don’t have the funds to purchase the tools, but they have the staff and volunteers who will use them!

This is how you can come alongside, go with them, and help equip workers, volunteers and ministry partners in virtually every nation on earth.

Requests have been received for thousands of microSD cards, video tablets and hundreds of NewLifeBox™ kits. These are powerful pocket-sized devices, tools often used in closed and hostile nations. Because they are battery-powered, a worker can turn one on anywhere people gather. Anyone within 150 feet can see an available Wi-Fi hotspot to watch or download a film about Jesus in their heart language. A surprising number of people do just that and in the most unlikely places! You can provide a waiting worker with a NewLifeBox™ kit for a gift of $220.

You can sponsor a television or radio broadcast of JESUS in a people’s heart language for a gift of $325, potentially reaching more than 100,000 people. Easter 2020 saw broadcasts in 111 nations! Doors for broadcasting are opening now for Easter 2021.

You also might consider a gift of $120 to send 12 microSD cards preloaded with JESUS and follow-up materials. Your gift of $240 can send 24 microSD cards to film teams. (See the enclosure for additional information.)

Please consider a gift of $570 to equip a worker with a 10-inch video tablet with wireless Bluetooth speakers and solar panel. Your generous gift of $3,420 will supply six of these video tablet sets. Teams are ready and eager to put them to use, telling people the wonderful story of God’s love for the first time.

For whatever you can do to supply these tools, to shine His light of love into their unreached worlds, to help reach everyone everywhere, thank you so much. God bless you for your partnership.


Until everyone sees Jesus,
Josh Newell
Executive Director
Jesus Film Project®

PS. Several ministries have linked their websites to the Jesus Film Project® live streaming platform. Should you have the ability, you might consider sponsoring live streaming of JESUS to 30,000 people for a gift of $865. You can also fund a broadcast over television or radio this Easter to reach perhaps 800,000 people for a gift of $2,600. To donate today, please click the “give a gift” button. If you would prefer to donate by phone, please call us toll-free at 1-800-918-9929.

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