Provide Bibles to People in the Middle East

#2870620 - Bibles for the Mideast

The Middle East needs Jesus Christ.  This part of the world that seems to make headlines every day - and often for horrific reasons - is crying out for hope.

YOU can share the good news with men and women there!

In fact, every $6.75 you give today will provide a copy of the Bible - in the local language - to one person in the Middle East.

In the midst of chaos and disorder, Cru staff and partners are working tirelessly to bring people to a saving relationship with Jesus, and disciple these new believes in their faith.

But they need Bibles.

When God's Word - alive and active - is released into the Middle East, you can trust that He will use it to accomplish His will.

Every $6.75 you give will provide one Bible to the Middle East.  In a land where this chaos and confusion seem to be on the rise, Jesus is on the move.  With your help, Bibles will be distributed in the months ahead.

Please give a generous gift today.

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