Training Christian Leaders


Reach military leaders around the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Reaching military leaders for Jesus Christ is critical in fostering spiritual resilience and moral integrity within the armed forces. 

Your donation can help make a real difference today!

As influential figures within their respective branches and nations, these leaders play a crucial role in shaping the values and conduct of their units. The spiritual transformation of military leaders can have a ripple effect impacting countless lives for Christ! 

By supporting outreach and discipleship efforts to military leaders, you can empower these influential figures with the spiritual foundation needed to navigate the challenges they face with wisdom, grace, and unwavering faith. 

Together, we can build spiritual fitness within the armed forces, positively impacting not only the lives of service members but also their families, communities, and nations.

Your generosity can help create a ripple effect of positive change that extends far beyond the battlefield. Donate today and be a part of this vital mission.

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