Campus Ministry Expansion Plan


Campus Ministry Expansion Plan

Dallas Willard, Former Director of the School of Philosophy at the University of Southern California, said that the world of higher education is “the center authority of our culture”. The values on campus today will migrate to the larger culture tomorrow as graduates move into positions of influence. 

It is our aim to extend the invitation, to every student and faculty member, the opportunity to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. To build them in their faith and then send them to do the same with still more people as part in helping to fulfill the Great Commission.

This rolling 3-year strategic plan focuses on specific “Ministry Accelerators” that will facilitate and move our local and national ministries forward.

Over the next 3-years, together with you, we are trusting the Lord to expose 225 million to the gospel, with 3 million of them making the life-changing decision to become Christ followers. In addition, we hope to see 35,000 students and faculty engaged in personal evangelism while launching 1,500 new ministries.

For more information: Email for a copy of the full plan. 

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