Douglas and Janice Kennedy


After 30 years in Africa and France, we relocated in 2008 to Cru/Campus Crusade's World Headquarters in Orlando FL.  It is a wonderful place to make a global contribution to the fulfillment of our Lord's Great Commission.

Doug serves in the International School Project, a ministry of Cru dedicated to building spiritual movements of evangelism and discipleship among teachers and educators around the world.  Imagine the impact if there was a group of teachers living for Christ and exerting a positive, godly influence in every school on the globe!  Doug focuses his efforts on teachers in several African and Middle-Eastern countries.

Janice serves on the Communications Team in the Office of the President.  She writes and edits content for communication pieces and websites for Cru President, David Robbins, and his team of Vice-Presidents.  She also serves on Campus Crusade's Global Crisis Management Team. 

We have three children:
Joy is a stay-at-home mom married to John Kauffman, who is a Director in a construction company.  They live in Jacksonville, FL with their two sons, Alec and William.
David and his wife, Sarah, are on full-time staff with Cru.  They work with the JESUS Film Project at Headquarters in Orlando.  They have four sons, Jake, Leo, Blaise and Jonah.
Daniel and his wife, Allison, are both software engineers in the Raleigh, NC area. They have one son, Theo.

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