Hello! Thanks for stopping by!
We've had the privilege of serving God through the ministry of Cru for 40+ years. More than 25 of those years have been in international service. In 2013, we returned to the U.S., after serving in Western and Eastern Europe. Currently, we serve with Faculty Commons, Cru's ministry to university faculty and graduate students.
Our assignment with Faculty Commons is to help Christian faculty to see their position as a calling from God, and to help them use their influence to make God's name great. We are honored to serve the faculty at Mississippi State University, which is in Alice's hometown. It's a big and exciting change for us to be back on the field.
As you can see in the above picture, our children are grown! Nathan serves with the U.S. Air Force in Alamogordo, New Mexico. Our other two children currently live with us. Elianna, a graduate in Biology from Calvin College, works as a lab technician on campus. And Daniel works for a local cleaning company.
Someone has said that the culture is downstream of the Academy. Over the years, we’ve seen changes in our culture which were first introduced in the college culture. Students, however, are directly affected by the campus culture. Some have their beliefs challenged and ridiculed by atheistic professors.
Recent studies show that 60-80% of university students who enter school as engaged Christians walk away from their faith during their first year at university. Many students go through all four years of college without knowing a single Christian professor.
What would it be like if Christian professors clearly identified themselves as Christ followers and served their students in the name of Christ? How would it influence our culture if those faculty were more outspoken on issues of faith and their field of study?
Thank you so much for partnering with us! Through your prayers and financial giving, you enable us to reach out to faculty, to invite them to help reach their colleagues and students for Christ.