Is the US church in decline like Europe? It's a real problem as 4000 churches close every year in the US.
Our background: Dan and Lorraine Hardaway have been on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ since 1983. They met in Charlotte, NC where they were married in 1985. They are blessed to have 2 sons and 2 daughters, all who are married. So far they have 6 grandchildren. They live in Florida near the International Headquarters of Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru).
Lorraine serves as a Director for Cru's National Conference. She loves teaching staff how to be effective in customer service. She also directs a team to run/walk a Corporate 5k for Cru in Orlando. Lorraine has recently taken on two new roles to help women in our ministry to discover their best contributions to the ministry by looking at the gifts and talents God gave them and helping them discover, as they are getting older, how to find the best fit for a role within our ministry. She loves seeing people live and work at their full potential. Overall, she loves her role in the mission of reaching the world for Christ by helping missionaries stay fully focused on the mission.
Dan has directed Strategic Partnerships for the Campus Ministry. He has innovated various projects for the Campus Ministry that have launched hundreds of campuses and touched literally millions of students lives.In the fall of 2012 Dan was challenged to move to the President's office to work for one of the Global Vice Presidents, Dr. Bekele Shanko. Dan's role with Dr. Shanko was to provide resources for our ministry and various mission organizations that will help them launch multiplying churches around the world. By mission organizations and denominations working together, our goal is that every 1000 people who don't have a church, will have one. This means we are trusting God to build bridges with others that will result in 5 million churches being planted. Dan was also coaching Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia in this effort. He also began building the Global Alliance for Church Multiplication ( Now over 110 ministries are working together to plant a church for every 1000 people who don't have one. Since 2010 - 2020 these ministries have planted over 2.3 million churches.
Since the GACX grew, Dan got a burden to see the US churches grow and multiply. Still working part time on the GACX he was challenged to be a part of the National Team for Cru - City Church Movements. Since Church Movements has tripled in size Dan was challenged to be the Southeast Director with 25 staff in 5 states. Every year about 4000 churches close in the US. The church in the US is shrinking by 2.5 million people each year. "We are trying to turn this trend around. We are trusting God to plant 160,000 missional communities and churches here in the US." "We are so grateful for the people who hold us up in prayer and keep us engaged in the battle through their prayers and gifts."