Scott and Tracy Ketrow


For the past 30 years we’ve been in direct ministry on campuses throughout the U.S., as missionaries in Western Europe, and in church-planting and pastoral ministry back in NYC and East Texas. There were even a few years for Tracy in higher ed in the international student services office. 

Now we serve on a U.S. university campus because we believe it’s the most strategic place for us to be involved in the Great Commission. What God is doing to bring students from the hardest to reach places in the world to university settings where they can freely investigate the claims of Jesus really is incredible. We don't know how long this window will be open, but we are thrilled to step into it. Indiana University hosts nearly 8,000 international students and visiting scholars. The vast majority are from countries in the 10/40 window. These are students who will hold positions of leadership and influence when they return to their home countries. Our goal with Bridges is to engage students at Indiana University with the gospel and see them come to faith in Christ, built and established in their faith, and sent back to their home countries equipped to be the future laymen and leaders of the church. Locally here in Bloomington, we co-lead a multi-missions agency team called BISM (Bloomington International Student Ministries) that helps mobilize the body of Christ in our community. 

Thanks for partnering with us in this strategic time at this strategic place!

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