“When we reach the family, we reach the world.” –Bill Bright, founder of Cru®

FamilyLife® is a Cru ministry focused on spreading God’s Word through the family, making every home a godly home. Family is at the core of the Great Commission. It’s where, for so many people, spiritual transformation begins. This journey continues through each generation, as parents teach their children to live biblically and then send them out into the world on mission for Christ. Our primary vision is to help marriages and families be reconciled to God, and then equip them to reach out to their neighbors and communities to share His gospel of grace and truth in ever-widening circles.

Transform Marriages

Transform Marriages

Godly families are the backbone of a strong society. Through support from friends like you, marriages and families are helped to live out their faith daily. Strong Christian marriages and families promote flourishing local communities as they are unleashed to impact their world for Christ. By reaching out to disciple marriages, you help couples move out of the isolation of hurt and frustration as they grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus Christ.



 Help to heal a marriage today, and watch God heal the world.

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Empower Parents

Empower Parents

Parents everywhere are yearning for practical ways to integrate faith with parenting. The Art of Parenting from FamilyLife shows parents how to address the core needs in every child’s heart: Identity, Character, Relationships, and Mission. The platform of parenting is opening unprecedented opportunities to reach parents who are far from the church and far from God. FamilyLife is working with strategic partners across the country to engage biblical truths on parenting with parents who know they need help. Through these parenting initiatives, you change the trajectory of today’s families by drawing parents to God’s Word, and helping them to raise their children on target to serve Christ! 

Reach a parent today … and bring a child to Christ.

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Impact the World

Impact the World

In more than 100 countries and across America, the FamilyLife Global Outreach is equipping volunteer networks of families to build spiritual movements in their homes, churches, and communities. People in Asia, India, Russia, Latin America and more are impacted every year with culturally relevant resources, including radio, events, and digital content, helping couples families draw closer to Jesus and live out their faith daily. When you “go global,” you are part of the effort give homes in every tongue, tribe, and nation the chance to hear God’s Word for marriage and family.

Share your passion – with every family across the globe.

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Raise Up Partners

FamilyLife Partners are the backbone of FamilyLife. They are families who commit to give each month to help others all across the world continue the legacy of godly families. Day in and day out, FamilyLife Partners enable the casting of help and hope to couples and parents all over the world. When you join the FamilyLife Partner “tribe,” you will be helping thousands of couples and families overcome the challenges of a culture that is drifting further and further from biblical values, and help to equip them with the light of the gospel.

 Become a FamilyLife Partner to give families renewed hope!

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