Eighty percent of the world's population are oral learners, meaning they best learn through spoken narrative. And, 41.7% of the world's population live in unreached people groups, meaning they have little to no access to the gospel. StoryRunners' vision is to see followers of Christ in communities of faith in every unreached oral people group. StoryRunners equip people to produce oral Bible stories in order to launch church planting movements among those who don't have access to the Bible in a way that speaks to their hearts.
God desires that people from every tongue, tribe and language have the opportunity to hear His gospel; and, through oral Bible storytelling, StoryRunners is helping fulfill the Great Commission. Will you join us in reaching learners who don't have access to the Bible in a way that speaks to their hearts?
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Add a GiftOf today's 7,000 languages worldwide, 3,700 languages have no known Scripture. Many people who speak these languages are oral learners-they use stories and songs to pass down their culture, history and values. Oral Bible storytelling speaks directly to the hearts of oral learners.
Through your partnership, you are helping take the light of the gospel to some of the spiritually darkest places on earth story by story! Thank you!
Add a GiftFollowers of Christ in a local community of faith is the most important result of providing oral Bible stories to an unreached people group. Missionaries in the book of Acts, like Paul and his friends, planted churches and then visited them to encourage them in their growth. During the StoryRunners School of Storying, we not only help local participants produce an oral Bible story set; we also equip the participants to strategically use those stories for effective evangelism, discipleship and church planting.
When Jesus told the disciples to be His witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth, He gave them a mission that would require growth. StoryRunners helps fulfills the Great Commission among unreached people living in oral cultures. Join us as we help fulfill the Great Commission by taking the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Add a Gift Learn MoreEmail us at storyrunners@cru.org or call us at (407) 826-2396 from 9:00am – 5:00pm EST Monday – Friday.
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Orlando, FL 32832-0100
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Call us at (888)278-7233 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET, Monday-Friday, or email us at eGift@cru.org.
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